uhhh just letting you know that its going to be super messy and reading might give you a headache i dunno i'll probably fix it later lolz


I had a dream that I was hanging out with my brother at a shopping center and he told me he would call one of his friends over. Reigen from Mob Psycho 100 came?? (I don’t even know why, haha) and for some reason in my dream I didn’t make it out to be a big deal. It was totally normal and stuff. He also looked like Reigen from the live action movie so it didn’t look like there was some 2D anime person walking around next to us. Then me, my brother, and the weird conman guy went to some cafe to get drinks and then I woke up.

This is the first ever dream i've recorded in my dream diary. Im guessing I had this sort of dream because at the time I had finished watching Mob Psycho 100 and wished I would have a mentor figure in my life like reigen, and also because my brother also had a lot of friends. I guess he is sort of like the mentor figure in my life, now that I think about it, since he's always been with me.


I was in a park/field area and it was sunny and looked as if there had been a pink filter placed over my eyes. Few people came and went. Then there was some nerdy chuunibyou person who had long red hair with purple clothes and claimed to be good at this anime TCG. He confidently challenged him to play this anime card game but I didn't know the rules. We went to this indoor area with a glass door. For some reason, I was really good at the game. I think I was pretty close to beating him but he had to leave for something urgent. Then I woke up. I wish he came back, he seemed like a cool dude, i think.

This was a strange dream, because I had dreamt this long before my Yu-Gi-Oh! and Cyno obsession. The guy looked a lot like Kami from Malice Mizer, now that I think about it, which was even weirder because this was way before my Malice Mizer phase also. a prophecy, perhaps?


it was summer and my brother and his friends drove to a pop up clothing store at night to leave me and my mom there. The wind was cold and it was pitch black. Then he and his friends drove off but they said they will be back soon from fishing. Me and mom poked around the pop up store which had dim lights on but no one else was there. Mosquitoes and moths were everywhere. It looked like the back stage of a theatre, with musty smells and tacky costumes. It got really creepy but my brother came back and caught a red snapper. I had this dream before, it felt very familiar


I was at camp and there was a lot of snow and my favorite teacher Mrs. H was there. Somehow she seemed disappointed in me. When I got on the bus I met Reigen again and he gave me some life advice. Then I dreamt of starting a lamb farm and reading the qualifications to buy a lamb.

hahaha seriously, why does reigen keep infiltrating my dreams?? I think I dreamt this because at the end of a school year, for some reason I felt that my favorite teacher feel disappointed in me, and that feeling haunted me since I'll never see her again.


I was in a pixelated town, a vertical row of buildings and a horizontal row of buildings. In the background there was the Dewford town theme playing. I checked a book in the library and it showed the list of leaders. One of them was a shadowy figure notorious for killing babies. I went uphill to the beach and a beach shop that was subway. I saw Tartaglia, my rival and we fought. I won and wanted to drink water at the water fountain toilet but there was a baby already over there. I may have accidentally or not accidentally pushed the flush button and the baby got flushed in. Then I remembered a scene from the Office that doesn’t exist called Dwight furiously tries to save a baby that was stuck in the toilet. Childe managed to get the baby out of the toilet but it turns out the shadowy figure was me all along. I was the baby killer.

I guess I dreamt of Tartaglia because he seemed like the rival types in those Pokemon games. Dunno about the baby though. I suppose I dreamt of the dewford town music because I used to get stuck on that part a lot.


This dream I was in school but I got called to the office to leave. The office was this underwater base thing and my mother was there and the office workers gave out free fried squid pastries for new years. By the time I left the underwater school it was night time and I could see the lights shining below. My brother was trying to catch a light/ glowing shooting star in the sand. We went to a docks and there was this playground by the beach. My brother was there with some friends I never met and one of them was eating pink cake and the other chips. They were laughing having a good time and I joined. Then a lot of friends joined on the playground as the sun on the beach began to rise. The vocaloid song Rolling Girl had been playing in the background for some reason.


This dream I was living in a house and sitting on a beaten up couch with my brother playing the 3DS talking about how cool and funny seto kaiba was. in this dream my brother liked to hear and engage in my interests. Kaiba became a rune factory protagonist and we were playing through a story type thing. The rune factory game was in a seaside village and all the villagers were making fun of the protagonist for some reason. I think the quest was about catching a criminal? Just outside the window of our house was a suburban neighborhood with orange and yellow light at every corner. My teeth felt itchy and I felt hazy. The following day I was still at elementary and we always did this thing where we played basketball on the tables because the school had bad assignments. Well today we had a substitute instructor and he asked us how we did it and for some reason I was the first to explain because I was more confident in this dream. Tried finding the basketballs but they were gone. I tried making a mini version of what we did but that didn’t explain anything. I kept trying to explain but it wouldn’t work and my teeth were super itchy so I started to barf them out. The substitute said “oh are you going to throw up your stomach next?” And I continued trying to explain and threw up bits of food that was in my stomach. I was so embarrassed in my dream I hit my head with a rock and woke up

I guess this had been the ideal life for me years ago. Live in a house, have my brother be interested in my interests, and relive fifth grade with more confidence. And even when times were tough, I could still always go home to my family. Nowadays everything is gray.


Me and a bunch of fictional characters got trapped in science camp and we were sitting near the stage getting ready for lunch. The counselors looked especially depressed and were handing out ham and cheese toasted sandwiches on stage and since they ran out of movies to show us they started playing the kind of stuff the theatres play before the movie starts and calling it “a loud rock music and asmr video”. Furina is getting ostracized from everyone for some reason and I made eye contact with her and I felt bad. so while she was getting her ham and cheese sandwich from up on the stage I’m sitting with my camp group which consisted of Mob, Yugi, and Cyno. Yugi asks “Hey should we sit with Furina?” I hate to say this but since I’m a jerk and coward in real life I go “Nah, let’s not” so I watch Furina sadly eat her ham and cheese sandwich while peeling off the ham because she doesn’t like it. I think I’m a bad person.

I would have done that in real life if the situation ever arises, and I hate myself for that. I really am a coward.